The name of this organization shall be Greenville Music Teachers Association hereafter also referred to as the Association or GMTA. This Association is affiliated with South Carolina Music Teachers Association (SCMTA) and Music Teachers National Organization, Inc. (MTNA), Cincinnati, Ohio; a Code Section 501 (c) (3) organization. “Affiliated with Music Teachers National Association” shall be included in all publications and programs of Greenville Music Teachers Association.

SECTION l. The purpose for which GMTA is organized and operated is exclusively literary and educational as defined in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and it regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended. The purpose of this organization shall be to advance the value of teaching music, making music for society, and supporting the professionalism of its members.
SECTION 2. No part of the net earnings of Greenville Music Teachers Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of Greenville Music Teachers Association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. The organization shall not participate in or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, Greenville Music Teachers Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by (a) an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) an organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
SECTION 3. In the event of the dissolution of Greenville Music Teachers Association, any funds remaining in the treasury after the payment of any outstanding debts shall be contributed to SCMTA.

SECTION 1. Active membership shall be open to all persons in the Greenville area who are professionally engaged in any field of musical activity as educators who adhere to the Code of Ethics of the Music Teachers National Association. Active membership shall provide the privileges of participation in the activities of the Association, holding office and voting.
SECTION 2. Associate membership shall be offered to persons not professionally engaged in teaching music, but who wish to support the program of the Association. Associate membership shall provide the privilege of participation in the activities of the Association, but shall not include the right to vote or to hold office.
SECTION 3. Honorary life membership in Greenville Music Teachers Association may be awarded to persons who have been outstanding in their contributions to the field of teaching or who have contributed in great measure to the activities and success of the Association. Honorary life membership shall carry the privileges of attending Association meetings, but not the right to vote or to hold office. Nominations shall be accepted for consideration by the Executive Board and, upon approval, shall be presented to the general membership thirty (30) days in advance of the April business meeting. Honorary life membership shall be granted by a two-thirds majority vote at that meeting.

SECTION 1. GMTA annual dues for active and associate members shall be set by vote of the membership. No dues shall be required for honorary life membership. National, State, and Local dues shall be paid to MTNA by June 30.
SECTION 2. If members fail to pay dues by June 30, their membership may be terminated.
SECTION 3. New members may join at any time during the year, but to participate in SCMTA auditions, dues shall be paid in full by the date mandated by SCMTA.

SECTION 1. Regular meetings of the membership shall be held at dates to be arranged annually by the Executive Board.
SECTION 2. An annual business meeting of the membership shall be held each April in conjunction with the regular chapter meeting. The purpose of the meeting shall be to elect members of the Executive Board and conduct matters which need to be brought before the membership.
SECTION 3. Special meetings of the Association’s general membership shall be called by the President upon request of the majority of the Executive Board or by a signed petition of thirty-three percent (33%) of the active members. Notice of the special meeting shall be submitted in writing to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting.
SECTION 4. Twenty percent (20%) of the membership (of whom at least two must be elected officers) of this GMTA at any annual business meeting or special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of matters which may come before the membership.

Elected officers shall form the Executive Board of GMTA and shall be a President, President-elect, Vice President of Programs, Vice President of Membership, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. In the absence of the President, duties shall be assumed in the following order: President-elect, Vice President of Programs, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President.
A. The President shall be the principal elected officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the Association and Executive Board. He or she shall recommend committees as may be required by these Bylaws or as he or she may deem beneficial to the Association for appointment by the Executive Board. The President shall serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. He or she shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Board and applicable to the office as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.
B. The President-elect shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence of that officer. He or she may perform such other duties applicable to the office as assigned by the President and Executive Board and prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.
C. The Vice Presidents shall perform duties applicable to their offices as requested by the President and Executive Board and prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association. The Executive Board shall determine the number of and titles of Vice Presidents to be elected.
1. The Vice President of Programs shall procure speakers and/or prepare programs of interest to the membership.
D. The Secretary shall oversee the proper recording of all meeting proceedings of the Association and the Executive Board. He or she shall perform such other duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.
E. The Treasurer shall oversee all financial affairs of the Association and shall serve as chair of the Finance Committee. He or she shall oversee the proper recording of all financial proceedings of the Association, provide periodic financial reports to the Executive Board, provide an annual financial report, and perform such other duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.
F. The Immediate Past President shall serve as an advisor to the President, serve on the Finance Committee, chair the Nominating Committee, and perform such other duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.

The government of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Board which shall be composed of the President, President-elect, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President.
In addition to the power and authority expressly conferred upon it in these Bylaws, the Executive Board shall have the right, responsibility, and authority to exercise all such powers and perform such acts as may be exercised or done by the Association subject to the statutes of the State of South Carolina.
The Executive Board, within the limits of these Bylaws, shall determine policies of the Association with recommendations from committee chairs and individual Association members. It shall actively pursue the purposes of the Association and shall have discretion in the disbursement of all funds of the Association. It shall adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of Association business as shall be deemed advisable, and may, in the execution of powers granted, appoint such agents as it may consider necessary.
A majority of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. Meetings may be held by telephone calls, US mail, or e-mail. Participation by such means shall constitute presence at such meeting.
Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at least at least once yearly at such time and place as the Board may prescribe.
Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or by a majority of its members. Action taken by unanimous written consent of the members of the Board shall be preserved and reported in the official minutes.
An annual meeting of the Executive Board and all committee chairs shall be called by the President for the presentation of reports and discussion of Association affairs.
Members of the Executive Board shall not receive any compensation for their services but may, by resolution, authorize reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

The term for an elected office shall be two (2) years. No elected officer may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office. The term of office shall begin and end at the close of the Association’s fiscal year, June 30.
The President-elect shall automatically become President of the Association (1) upon completion of the President’s term(s) of office; or (2) should the President not seek a second term; or (3) should the President not receive a vote of affirmation; or (4) should the President not complete his or her term(s) of office.
A vacancy in an elected office shall be filled by Presidential appointment followed by a majority vote of the Executive Board. A vote of affirmation for this office shall be taken by the general membership at the next Association meeting, provided written notice of this special vote is submitted to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance.

A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President in odd-numbered years to nominate Executive Board officers. The committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President and two (2) committee chair persons. The Immediate Past President shall serve as chair of this committee.
The Nominating Committee shall publish a call for nominations of candidates for the specified offices in the January meeting of the general membership. The nominees shall be selected from active members. Nominee names shall appear in the March newsletter and be announced at the March Association meeting of the general membership. Upon publication of the officer nominees, the nomination process shall be closed. If the President chooses to serve a consecutive term, a vote of affirmation shall be required at the Association’s annual business meeting. All other elected officers shall be nominated and voted upon as prescribed in these Bylaws.
The election of officers by the general membership shall take place in odd-numbered years at the Association’s annual business meeting by a majority vote. If no more than one candidate has been nominated for an office, the vote for that office may be taken by affirmation. Otherwise, a ballot vote is required. If a quorum is not present at the annual business meeting, the President shall have the option of calling for the vote by mail ballot or by electronic ballot with a required response within ten days of the annual business meeting. Votes taken by mail ballot or electronic vote shall be certified by two tellers who are members-at-large.

The President shall recommend for appointment by the Executive Board such standing and special committees as may be required by these Bylaws, or as may be deemed beneficial to the Association.

The Association shall operate under a fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
An annual audit of the Association’s finances shall be conducted following the close of each fiscal year.
The Finance Committee shall propose a budget for approval by the Executive Board. The Finance Committee also shall recommend financial policy to the Executive Board for approval. The committee shall consist of the President (ex officio without vote), the President–elect, the Immediate Past President, the Treasurer and one (1) active member appointed by the President. The Treasurer shall serve as chair of this committee.

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association and Executive Board meetings in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.

SECTION 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any annual business meeting or special meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of the active members present, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment(s) is submitted to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting.
SECTION 2. Any proposed amendment must be submitted to the Executive Board for its consideration and recommendation prior to presentation at the annual business meeting.
SECTION 3. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Board, committee chairs, or by two percent (2%) of the active members.

Bylaws Committee
Susan Adams
Tim Arnold
Janice Flinte, Chair
Deborah Freeman
David Gross
Rita Hassig
Phil Lehman
Sally Brown Ullom

Advisory Committee
Richard Hand
Gary Ingle
Kenneth McCloud
Robert Wamsley
Stephen Wamsley

February 2003